CANDO ADU Project - more info
We offer support to create your own Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
What is an ADU?
“An ADU is a separate dwelling structure that is either attached (connected to) or detached (not connected to) the main house and has a full kitchen and full or partial bath.” – City of East Palo Alto
[ADU = Accessory Dwelling Unit]
What is a Junior ADU (JADU)?
A Junior ADU is a small (500 sq.ft. maximum) ADU created by converting part of an existing residence (such as a spare bedroom or attached garage). A JADU has a basic kitchen utilizing small plug-in appliances, and may share a bathroom with the primary dwelling. –
If you want to assess your lot for an ADU yourself
Explore what is possible
Existing structures:
- All residential lots are eligible, but just in case, double-check your zoning!
- Check out your parcel map for dimensions!
- Double-check your property’s flood designation, this could determine your new unit’s elevation, which can be as high as 8 feet in some areas of the City!
- Check out ADU tools specifically for East Palo Alto homeowners!
- Drag, drop, and resize an ADU to fit in your backyard!
If you already have a (perhaps un-permitted) structure, check out the findings of the recent EPA-ADU task force project, especially garage conversions and New ADU Laws & ADU Amnesty Pilot pages.
Browse previous projects and our Resources page
Make an appointment
To request a no-charge evaluation, fill out the form linked from the button below.
By filling out the form you will be agreeing to receive a free ADU Assessment of your property within 3-5 business days and determine if you are eligible to receive additional technical assistance and project management services at no cost through our fee waiver. For more information, please contact Iliana Nicholas by email at [email protected], or calling 650-473-9838, press 5

Other projects in East Palo Alto:
EPA–ADU task force (web site): a Community-Driven Initiative to Promote
Accessory Dwelling Units in East Palo Alto (2014-2020):
EPA Second Unit Task Force Recommendations – November 2019
- ten comprehensive strategies for increasing safe and legal affordable backyard units
- strategies to be pursued collaboratively by public, private, nonprofit, and community stakeholders
More on-line background and assistance:
Second Unit Resources Center -from our San Mateo County “one-stop shop” for ADUs. It includes:
- Ideas, Stories, and Photos
- How to Build an ADU — A step-by-step guide from design to move-in
- Second Unit Calculator — Calculate typical costs, rents, and more
- Idea Book (PDF)
- Workbook (PDF)

Sample cost and income estimates
(Assumes use of EPACANDO contractors)

Organizational Partners
EPACANDO works closely with City staff. For this project EPACANDO is also partnering with City Systems: A Community-Driven Initiative to Promote ADUs in EPA. City Systems was formed In partnership with other community organizations, as a successor to the City’s Second Unit Task Force to advance community-driven ADU solutions..