Job Openings at EPA CAN DO


Two positions

– Program Director, Community-Owned Real Estate
– Project Manager, Pahali Community Land Trust


Link to full jobs posting below.


About This Recruitment

We are recruiting for two positions: Program Director for our Community Owned Real Estate program, and Project Manager for our affiliate, Pahali Community Land Trust. Both are part of a small staff who have deep roots in the community and work closely with a strong network of partners and specialists

-About EPACANDO & Pahali Community Land Trust

East Palo Alto Community Alliance and Neighborhood Development Organization (EPACANDO) has promoted and delivered “progress of, by, and for” East Palo Alto residents for more than three decades.  With a strong emphasis on empowerment and anti-displacement, we have pursued two key strategies with intensity: co-developing permanently affordable rental apartments (600 so far), and helping residents acquire and/or retain affordable homeownership in an array of forms (hundreds).

Our production and preservation efforts have included:  partnering with nonprofit developers to build and manage apartments; buying and renovating an aging, occupied apartment complex; intervening to prevent displacement of homeowners being foreclosed upon, as well as renters whose homes are being sold out from under them; counseling clients who are looking for housing they can afford; consulting with homeowners developing accessory dwelling units; counseling renters facing eviction from a mobile home park; and partnering with our local city government to build a just city, the City’s tagline.

EPACANDO also sustains our affiliate, Pahali Community Land Trust.  Pahali CLT focuses on community-owned real estate (CORE)* solutions, especially to address and redress displacement of community-rooted justice activists and next-generation civic leaders.  EPACANDO supports Pahali CLT with staffing and working capital.